As a member of the Drexel Particle Physics Research group, I explore new physics with neutrinos, which are all around us but hard to find; and dark matter, probably also all around us, but even harder to find – if fact, we don’t know how to look yet.
I am an active member of several collaborations that study these particles. The PROSPECT –Precision Reactor Oscillation and SPECTrum experiment– collaboration seeks to precisely measure neutrinos from the HFIR nuclear reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to search for new physics such as sterile neutrons. The SBC –Scintillating Bubble Chamber– collaboration works to develop cryogenic liquid argon bubble chambers, a new and untested technology, to search for GeV-scale dark matter particles and detect neutrinos through the CEvNS process. The PICO collaboration uses more established freon bubble chambers deep underground at SNOLAB in Canada to search for dark matter. My group at Drexel has built a small test bubble chamber, and we are involved in calibrations and data analysis for all three projects.